Who Says What

What The Notables Say


“Jeanne Mayer’s MusiClub is a very worthwhile project.”
~ Art Linkletter

“Kids Say the Darndest Things” Television Show



“Chock full of fun.”
~ Phil Doran 

T.V. Comedy Writer – “The Wonder Years” ~ “All In the Family” ~ “Sanford & Son”


What the Kids Say


“Play Dr. Jeanne! Make it loud Mommy!” ~ Joshua, Age 2

“When I grow up, I want to be Dr. Jeanne!” ~ Emma, Age 4

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What the Moms Say


”WOW! Where do I start? Dr. Jeanne is so awesome! All of my children loved taking MusiClub. It was an exciting, positive event in their lives that they looked forward to with fun anticipation. Later on, music teachers were shocked at how much my children knew about music which they learned from Dr. Jeanne in MusiClub.” ~ Mrs. Denise P.

“Dr. Jeanne is extremely creative with a style all her own. She teaches music in a loving, caring way. Her love for music is infectious and the children catch the spirit of it and they can’t help loving music and Dr. Jeanne. As a professional musician myself, I recognize what a gift Dr. Jeanne is to our children.

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What the Parents Say About the Songs


“It’s amazing how much our kids love your album. There’s very little they connect with, but they connect with you and your music, and you’ve got that secret.” ~ Mrs. Amy R.

“Davey loves you. We listen to your MusiClub Album all the time!” ~ Mr. Michael M.

“We listen to your songs 24 hours a day. My son wants to hear it before he goes to sleep. I hear him in bed singing the songs before he goes to sleep. It seems to comfort him.” ~ Ms. Sarah L.

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What The Researchers Say


Learning Music Builds Motivation and Self-esteem.

“Low self-esteem, in one of more of its many guises – poor self-confidence, self-identity, self-concept, self-worth, or self-respect – often leads to children’s feelings of depression, stress, anger, or anxiety. It can lead anywhere from procrastination to abandonment of projects, goals and even lifelong dreams. By using musical tools , parents can help their children develop and gain self-assurance…

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What Dr. Jeanne Says


Children love music. It’s a natural part of their life and an outgrowth of the joy inside their hearts. They use music all day long as a natural accompaniment to their play.

Making music is their natural, creative way of life. It’s how they get to know the world. Wherever you go, children are singing, either familiar songs or songs they are making up. Even their talk is melodic…

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