What the Parents Say About the Original MusiClub Songs

“It’s amazing how much our kids love your album. There’s very little they connect with, but they connect with you and your music, and you’ve got that secret.” ~ Mrs. Amy R.

“Davey loves you. We listen to your MusiClub Album all the time!” ~ Mr. Michael M.

“We listen to your songs twenty-four hours a day. Sometimes he wants to hear it before he goes to sleep. I hear him in bed singing the songs before he goes to sleep. It seems to comfort him.” ~ Ms. Sarah L.

“ My daughter says every morning in the car, ‘I want to hear Dr. Jeanne!’ ” ~ Mrs. Rebecca M.

“William sings the songs from your album often in the car and to my sister. She really gets a kick out of it. She then makes him sing the songs to my parents and my aunts. ” ~ Mrs. Connie S.

“Everyday in the car my son asks me to play the songs, ‘Tillie the Tugboat’ and ‘Mr. Bee’, over and over again all the way to school.” ~ Ms. Mary R.